Psychoanalysis of Money

photo: David Bruckmüller

Money releases different emotions and affects. Money is an object of fixation and projection, an everyday neurosis and a means of fulfilling desires. It determines our social interaction down to the last detail.

In the “Psychoanalysis of Money”, we turn money into its opposite. In the process of analysis, the participants delve into the deep structures of the money complex. Together as a group, we examine money as a repression of our social dependencies and confront ourselves with the unconscious of money. In speculative exercises, we ask about the origin of money and search for new forms of coming together. Our everyday and seemingly natural use of money is put to the test in the “Psychoanalysis of Money”. Money becomes a means of therapy.

For the analysis, money is provided.


29 + 30/11 + 01/12/2024 Implantieren Festival, Frankfurt am Main

25 + 26 + 27/10/2024 
Implantieren Festival, Frankfurt am Main

27 + 28 + 29/09/2024 
Implantieren Festival, Frankfurt am Main

Implantieren Festival, Frankfurt am Main

‘Psychoanalysis of Money’ is a production by Felix Falczyk and Johanna Herschel in co-production with the Implantieren Festival 2024, funded by the Cultural Office of the City of Frankfurt and the Hessian Ministry of Science and Art. With kind support of Theaterhaus Mitte.

© Felix Falczyk, Johanna Herschel 2024. 
